Bucklands Farm XC
Booking Conditions for Schooling, Clinics & Training.
Payments to be made in advance by using the online booking form in conjunction with My Riding Life.
No cash will be accepted at the venue.
No refunds will be given if you cannot attend after booking. At the discretion of the management, bookings may be carried over to another date if you inform us of the reason you cannot attend, prior to the original date booked. New dates must be within the present calendar year and cannot be held over to the next year. You must inform us of the new date before you come to the venue, to allow us to book you in and avoid overbooking.
Organised sessions will include no more than 6 people, (excluding trainer and the organiser/club helper).
Riders should arrive, complete their training session and return home. Arrive no more than 15 minutes before you’re booked hire time, and leave no more than 15 minutes after your finish time.
When you arrive at the venue, please park at least 5 metres from other vehicles to allow you to tie your horse to the side of your trailer/lorry whilst still leaving at least 2 metres between you and other vehicles.
Only 1 helper per horse permitted, who should preferably be a family member, but may be your professional trainer or groom.
You must be able to tack up/mount/do your girth up etc. alone or with your helper. A mounting step is provided near the entrance to the cross-country area. Please mount in the car park and ride to the show jumping arena, dressage arena or cross-country training area. Only the organiser/trainer/helper is allowed to open/close arena gates or handle any equipment, (i.e. change poles or fence heights), during organised and booked sessions.
Dogs are allowed, but must be kept on a lead at all times.
When you load your trailer/lorry after your session, please ensure you also load any loose hay and horse droppings. Please also ensure that you take all your tack, food packaging and liquid refreshment containers with you. Do not dispose of anything at the venue.
Anyone who doesn’t comply with these booking conditions will be asked to leave the venue immediately or may not be allowed to book in the future.